Custom orthotics can help prevent foot damage from conditions like flat feet, arthritis, and plantar fasciitis. At his Flushing, Queens, office in New York, dedicated podiatrist William Hansen, DPM, offers a full range of orthotics for your convenience. Options include over-the-counter aids, custom-made orthotics, and ankle-foot orthosis (AFO). Book your appointment using the online scheduling tool or call the office to learn more about orthotics now.

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What are orthotics?

Orthotics are shoe inserts or braces that can help with a variety of foot and ankle problems. Orthotics can control abnormal motion, make up for weaknesses, correct deformities, and improve your comfort.

When would I need orthotics?

Dr. Hansen may recommend orthotics as part of your treatment or as a preventive measure. Some of the many different conditions, deformities, and disorders that orthotics can help with include:

  • Arthritis
  • Flat feet
  • Bunions
  • High arches
  • Overpronation (feet roll inward)
  • Oversupination (feet roll outward)
  • Heel pain, including plantar fasciitis
  • Hammertoe
  • Heel spurs
  • Foot trauma
  • Diabetic foot problems

Orthotics primarily treat foot problems, but they’re also helpful for many ankle issues. In some cases, orthotics can even relieve leg, back, and hip pain that originated in your feet.

What types of orthotics are available?

Dr. Hansen offers a variety of orthotics options, including:

KLM Superstep™ insoles

KLM Superstep insoles are over-the-counter orthotics with three layers. They’re available in three different rigidities, which allows Dr. Hansen to tailor the support for your needs.

Custom orthotics

Custom orthotics are prescription inserts made for your particular foot. These orthotics bring your foot into the optimal position with maximum precision.

Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO)

An AFO is a custom brace that supports your ankle and foot. Dr. Hansen may recommend an AFO to control ankle motion, improve ankle strength, or treat deformities. AFOs commonly help to treat disorders like cerebral palsy, neuropathy, spina bifida, foot drop, and multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Hansen reviews all the orthotics options with you to explain which best suits your needs.

How does the custom orthotics process work?

For custom orthotics, Dr. Hansen takes a cast of your foot while in subtalar neutral. This essentially means that he carefully positions your foot so your talus bone — in the center of your ankle joint and just above your heel — sits in the ideal position.

When your talus is ideally positioned (neutral), your other foot bones also sit in their proper positions to help you maintain biomechanical stability. By positioning your talus neutrally, Dr. Hansen can see exactly what type of orthotics you need.

He makes an impression of your foot in its subtalar neutral position, and then makes custom orthotics that help your foot maintain that position at all times.

Learn how orthotics at the office of William Hansen, DPM, can help you. Call the office or schedule a consultation online now.